JS - I/O Functions
cls #
Clears the screen.
- Arguments: None
- Returns: None
getch #
Gets an inputted character.
- Arguments: None
- Returns:
- String: The character pressed
getpass #
Reads a string from input, displaying an '*' character mask.
- Arguments:
- Integer: Maximum length of input
- Returns:
- String: The password entered
gets #
Reads a string from input, of a maximum length.
- Arguments:
- Integer: Maximum length of input
- Returns:
- String: The string entered
gfile #
Displays a gfile from the gfile path.
- Arguments:
- String: The filename (without extension) of the gfile.
- Returns:
- Boolean: True if a gfile was sent, false if one could not be found.
globalload #
Loads a key / value pair from the global script database.
- Arguments:
- String: The attribute key
- String: A fallback value
- Returns:
- String: The value associated with the key (or fallback value)
globalsave #
Saves a key / value pair into the global script database.
- Arguments:
- String: The attribute key
- String: The value to save
- Returns: None
load #
Loads a key / value pair from the script's private database.
- Arguments:
- String: The attribute key
- String: A fallback value
- Returns:
- String: The value associated with the key (or fallback value)
loado #
Loads a key / value pair from another script's private database.
- Arguments:
- String: The name of the script (without extension or path)
- String: The attribute key
- String: A fallback value
- Returns:
- String: The value associated with the key (or fallback value)
pause #
Displays a pause prompt and waits for user to press a key.
- Arguments: None
- Returns: None
print #
Prints a string to the terminal.
- Arguments:
- String: What to print
- Returns: None
save #
Saves a key / value pair from the script's private database.
- Arguments:
- String: The attribute key
- String: The value to save
- Returns: None
slowgfile #
Displays a gfile from the gfile path at approximatly 33.6kbps
- Arguments:
- String: The filename (without extension) of the gfile.
- Returns:
- Boolean: True if a gfile was sent, false if one could not be found.