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Installation Quick Start

# Prepare
git clone https://github.com/apamment/envy
cd envy
mkdir -p run/{msgs,tmp,logs,data}
mkdir -p build/{servo, envy}

# Build
cd build/servo
cmake ../../Servo
cd ../envy
cmake ../../Envy
cd ../..

# Link binaries
cd run
ln -sf ../build/servo/servo
ln -sf ../build/envy/envy

You will now need to create at least an envy.ini file in the run folder, and a seclevels.toml in the data folder then run:


Login to setup your first account (the sysop)!


  1. Main Configuration - envy.ini
  2. Message Base Configuration - msgbase.toml
  3. Door Configuration - doors.toml
  4. Security Level Configuration - seclevels.toml
  5. File Transfer Protocol Configuration - protocols.toml
  6. File Base Configuration - filebases.toml
  7. Prohibited Usernames - trashcan.txt

Scripting Reference



This utility will upload a directory of files into a file database. Zip files are checked for file_id.diz files and if they exist are imported as descriptions.


This is an example upload processor. It will check zip files for file_id.diz files and if they exist they will be used for descriptions.

The upload processor is expected to place a file.bad or file.desc file inside the node's temporary directory, the file.bad file indicates the file should not be accepted, it's contents don't matter. The file.desc file contains a description to be used for the file, instead of prompting the user to manually enter a description.

NOTE: This example upload processor must be edited to include the path of your tmp folder in order to function.


A tic file processor for Envy, requires an ticproc.ini file.


Filetrim will trim all missing files from a file database.